Responsible Gaming

Responsible Gaming

Gambling can be a fun and exciting form of entertainment, taking risks based on a premise of an unclear outcome or event. In online gambling you wager your money with an intent to win some extra back. Whether based on predictions (sports betting), pure chance (casino) or even games skills to some extent, online gambling hinges on probabilities. 

The problem with gambling is that it is directly linked to our reward system, involving the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and adrenaline. These are so powerful that they can affect behaviour in a negative way – compulsive behaviour. 

This reward system is not only affected by winning, as the name might imply, but even more by the act of gambling itself. The anticipation of a win, the near misses, combined with the carefully designed light and sound effects of the gambling environment, all activate the brain’s pleasure centre. This creates a cycle of wanting to repeat the experience regardless of the outcome, even if it is negative.

Problematic gambling

It is important to know that gambling can be addictive, but that some individuals are more susceptible to developing a gambling disorder, or gambling addiction, than others. The vast majority of people can enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment without ever developing any problems. 

Although the exact causes of addictions are still not fully understood, it is likely that they are caused by a combination of biological, genetic and environmental factors. Apart from that certain risk factors that could enhance the chances of developing problems have been identified: mental health issues, certain personality traits (such as impulsiveness or easily being bored), peer pressure and even age and sex.

Regardless of the cause, gambling addictions can cause severe problems; from the obvious financial to mental and even physical health problems. For these reasons gambling is generally heavily regulated to address and mitigate the risks.

Emerging problems, how to recognize them in time

4 phases in gambling addiction

As we wrote above, gambling is not an issue for everyone, but it might also be very hard to notice as problems slowly develop over time. The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery has identified 4 phases in gambling addiction that illustrate this:

  1. Winning phase
  2. Losing phase
  3. Desperation phase
  4. Helpless phase

Because you cannot put a line between each of these phases, it becomes nearly impossible to identify in which phase you currently are or if it is time to seek (professional) help. Problems can take months or even years to emerge so it is key to be alert on recognizing the signs as early as possible. 

The signs to look out for are:

  • Thinking about gambling all the time, even when not gambling
  • Putting off doing or buying things, so you can gamble more
  • Spending more time and money than you intended
  • Trying to win back losses
  • Feeling guilty after gambling
  • Health issues such as trouble concentrating, sleeping difficulties or stress
  • Falling into other addictions like smoking or drinking

It goes without saying that if not addressed, these signs will eventually lead to more severe issues like relationship problems, anger management issues, financial difficulties, losing a job and social contacts and so on.

The biggest problem with gambling is that 90% of the people with gambling disorders do not seek help. Not only might they not even realise that they need help, even if they do, the shame associated with gambling, coupled with the broader taboo surrounding it, makes it difficult for them to admit they have a problem and seek help.

Diagnosis and treatment

In general the first step in diagnosis are the many self tests available online. Either at the operators themselves, or via one of the many platforms specialised in gambling problems. Usually these come in the form of a short questionnaire that can be completed in a few minutes and they will immediately give you the result. 

It is important to know the limitations of self-diagnosis, in one form or another these tests come down to checking for the symptoms that we mentioned before. Also you should know that nobody can be as easily fooled as yourself. 

These tests therefore could be seen as a way to confirm your suspicions. Very few people will learn that they have a problem just from one of these tests. We would even go as far as to say: “If you suspect you have a problem, you very likely do”.  

As gambling problems will only get worse, they never solve themselves. We strongly recommend that you seek professional help as soon as you have even the smallest suspicion that you have, or are developing, problems. 


Treatment for gambling problems can be split into three categories: online help, self help groups and professional therapy in different forms. The recovery program from Gamblers Anonymous consists of 12 steps and is the same method as used successfully for decades by Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a proven method and has been recommended all over the world. However, this program is based on spiritual principles and a belief that a greater power can heal us, rather than scientific treatment methods. 

Professional therapy always revolves around a personalised treatment plan in which different therapies and treatments are used. This includes cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy and group therapy. Although medications can be used to address certain issues that are often combined with an addiction, currently no medications to treat gambling disorders exist. 

Player protection

“Prevention is better than cure”, and that is what Responsible Gaming, also known as safer gambling, is all about. Being responsible with regards to gambling means that you have, and maintain, control over your behaviour. You constantly realise that you are playing for fun and that there are other things you should spend time and money on as well. 

However, responsible gaming is not only player focussed, even though in the end it is the player that is responsible for his own behaviour. The government and the operators also have responsibilities to take when it comes to preventing gambling problems.

It becomes more and more difficult to find ‘markets’ (countries) where gambling isn’t heavily regulated and the core reason for this is to protect the general public. Certain groups of people, such as minors, need to be excluded from both gambling and gambling advertisements, other groups are allowed to play, but need protection nevertheless.

Gambling laws protect players

Gambling laws and regulations are designed to protect players in different ways. They not only ensure that games are fair and that prizes are actually paid out, but also protect players from gambling problems. Again, the details differ from country to country, but in general legislators and gambling websites protect players by:

  1. Requiring operators to have a gambling licence
  2. Certifying games to ensure they are fair and safe
  3. Excluding vulnerable groups like minors from gambling
  4. Setting rules that limit how gambling is promoted and advertised
  5. Offering Responsible Gaming tools such as limits and exclusions
  6. Providing gambling education and information
  7. Tracking player behaviour and issuing warnings

Building self-consciousness and awareness

Unfortunately, according an international study, RG programs in general have moderately low effectiveness. They are however necessary in creating and spreading self-consciousness and awareness,  the first step needed to create the opportunity to effectively protect players. 

In more and more countries regulators mandate that operators start using (near) real-time monitoring systems that checks player’s behaviour for signs of problematic gambling. If such behaviour is found, operators must immediately act on it. This proactive approach will surely be more effective, when it comes to truly protecting players. 

How to gamble responsibly online – tips

Although some Responsible Gaming measures and tools are only moderately effective, they are definitely useful if used in the right way. Let us give you the following advice so that you can reduce the risks as much as possible. Please remember that you should always stick to these tips but that even then they cannot offer guaranteed protection against developing gambling problems.

how to gamble responsibly online
  1. Gambling is entertainment, and just like any other form of entertainment it costs money. Although you can get lucky, occasionally, in the long run you will always lose money. Don’t chase your losses, that has never worked for anyone.
  2. Have other hobbies. The more you gamble, the higher the risk of developing problems. Having other hobbies is healthy in many ways, not only physically, if we’re talking about sports for example, but also socially en mentally.
  3. Only play at legal casinos. Not only is it illegal to play at illegal casinos, they are illegal because they do not meet the minimum requirements set by your local government or gambling authority. This generally means they cut corners on player protection, making them an unsafe place to spend your hard earned money. 
  4. Never play with borrowed money. Only ever play with your own money that you can afford to lose. Pay all your bills first and set aside money for everything else you need. Don’t overdraw your account and do not use credit cards! 
  5. Set real limits before you start. Before you start gambling you should determine how much time and money you can, and are willing to lose. Any legal casino will have multiple limits you can set, use these! Make sure to use the limits that you came up with yourself, will often prefill the fields for you, but these are unrealistic high values tempting you to spend more.
  6. There are no techniques or tactics that work. There are a few games you can get good at and slightly increase your odds: Poker and Blackjack. All other games rely purely on chance and no strategy or good luck charm can ever help you win, no matter how much you (want to) believe they can. 
  7. Take breaks and tests. The way games are designed with their lights and sounds makes it all too easy to zone-out and completely lose track of time and your spending. Use a session limit or set a timer and take regular brakes in which you physically remove yourself from your screen. Even a 1 minute break is enough to ‘snap out of it’ and ask yourself if you haven’t played enough for the day.
  8. Play sober and in a good state of mind. Although you can’t increase your chances in games of chance, you can definitely decrease them by taking higher and unnecessary risks. For this reason you should alway be sober and have a clear mind. Alcohol and drugs directly influence your behaviour and impulsiveness, and not for the better. 


While gambling can be a fun pastime, it’s crucial to approach it responsibly to avoid potential problems. This means understanding the addictive nature of gambling and being aware of the signs that might indicate you’re developing an unhealthy relationship with it.

Fortunately, there are tools available at every betting site that can help you prevent gambling problems, if properly used. Self-assessment tools can help you recognize the first sign of problems so you can get help at an early stage. This is important because left untreated the problems will only get worse. If needed professional therapy and support groups can be instrumental in overcoming gambling addiction. 

Ultimately, the key to safe and enjoyable online gambling lies in responsible behaviour. By setting limits, having a realistic understanding of the odds, and prioritising your well-being, you can minimise the risks and maximise the fun. Remember, gambling is entertainment, and like any form of entertainment, it should be enjoyed in moderation.